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➤Earrings with alexandrite

Gold earrings with alexandrite will emphasize your personality

Today, natural alexandrite is an expensive and rare stone. It is a stone of the water element, belongs to the group of emerald, aquamarine, heliodor, etc. You can hardly find paired or identical stones of alexandrite in nature. This stone also has an investment value - its price grows every year.

The duality of the color of alexandrite, the ambiguity of perception by people and the ability to check the owner's strength, make it difficult to use. But the truly amazing secrets of this mineral are open to those to whom it suits.

Gold earrings with alexandrite are especially suitable for the military people, lawyers, sailors and rescuers, because this stone is able to balance the emotional state of a person. Also this mineral helps to priests, it increases mental and spiritual strength. For people who are particularly harassed by troubles, this stone will be a support on the way to spiritual and material stability.

As astrologers advise, adornments with natural alexandrite are suitable for Gemini, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. Alexandrite for Gemini will become a mentor and a guide on the way to balance, without suppressing their feature and versatility. For Leo, alexandrite is a talisman that leads to success and power. For Scorpio this stone fits perfectly, helping to transfer its owner to a completely new spiritual level. Alexandrite increases creative skills and intuition for Aquarius. For Sagittarius, possession of such a decoration will be a defense against imbalance and anxiety.

For those who was born under the signs of Taurus, Cancer and Virgo astrologers do not recommend to wear gold earrings with alexandrite due to its depressing emotional influence. Alexandrite is a stone with high energy, it is suitable only for strong people who do not retreat before impending dangers or adversities.